
Office of the Attorney General
State of Texas

August 6, 1990

Honorable Tim R. Taylor
County Attorney
Titus County
311B East 16th
Mt. Pleasant, Texas 75455

Letter Opinion No. 90-053

Dear Mr. Taylor:

You ask whether a hospital district may employ the brother of the wife of a member of the district's board of managers. The Texas nepotism law prohibits hospital district board members from appointing or voting for the appointment of a person related within the second degree of affinity to a member of the board. V.T.C.S. art. 5996a. Brothers-in-law are related within the first degree of affinity. Attorney General Opinion 0-119 (1939). Therefore, a hospital district may not employ the brother of the wife of a member of the district's board of managers.

      Very truly yours,

      Sarah Woelk
      Letter Opinion Section

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